

Saturday, October 20, 2007

most frequently repeated writings in TOEFL from korea with love

People, especially educators, often discuss whether parents are the best teachers of not. I strongly believe that parents could not be a best teacher because they have limited expertise and can't teach social skill.

Firstly, parents are not the best teachers because they are not experts. Of course, they can teach housework and good habit, but they don't have professional knowledge.

Suppose that a mother who doesn't major in science is raising her child who is curious of phenomenon of nature, for example, and one day he asks her why water in a sink spins to the left. Although she graduated a high school and even a university, she could not answer to his question because her knowledge of science is too elementary to teach her child. In this way, parents could not give diverse professional education to their children owing to their limited knowledge.

Secondly, parents are not the best teachers because they could not teach a social skill. Of course, they give a full attention to their children with incessant love, but what children need is not only a full attention but also social skill. My cousin who is raised under their parents' enthusiastic attention started his formal education at an early age, so did not have enough time to play with their peers. Although he has a good habit and good relationship with his parents, he doesn't know the importance of collaboration, compromise, and emotion control, because his parents could not teach those kinds of knowledge by themselves. This illustrates why parents couldn't be the best teachers for their children's socialization.

All of these things into account, children could not learn special expertise and social skill from their parents.

어린 아이들 교육

[112] 어린이 정규교육/ 노는 것 비교 * 정규-좋은 습관 / 노는 것 창의력, social skill

People, especially educators, often discuss whether children should begin their formal education at an early age or not. I myself believe that young children should spend most of their time playing because of their creativity and a social skill. I will compare these two views of children education and use specific example to support my preference.

On the one hand, those who great emphasis on a good study habit such as patience and the power of concentration would like to educate young children in formal way. In these days, most Korean parents are enthusiastically concern about children's education, so many children have their formal education at an early age and even 2 year-old babies learn both mother tongue and the second language. Their patience and the power of concentration surprisingly far outweigh those of ordinary adults, and they are likely to keep their ability until adolescence and adulthood. It is clear that those abilities benefit their future.

On the other hand, I myself prefer to let children be free because it is the most efficient way of encouraging their creativity and a social skill. In these days, although creativity and a social skill are vital requirements of a citizen so people should develop it at an early age, there is no special curriculum in formal education. Therefore it is only through playing with peers that children could enhance their originality and learn a social skill naturally. For example, suppose that a child who is 5 years old plays with his friends in playground. Although there are not any teachers and textbooks, while he builds a soil castle and plays a simple game with his peers, he could develop his originality and learn such social skills as collaboration and readership. In this way, children should be free at an early age.

All of these into account, although there are several advantages of early education, parents or teachers of young children should let them be free for their creativity and sociality.

어린 아이들 교육

[130] 어린이들 스포츠 활동의 장단점 * 스트레스풀기, 성장에 도움 / 공부습관 못들이고 수업 못 따라감

People, especially educators, often discuss both advantages and disadvantages of practicing sports at an early age. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this with reasons and examples.

First of all, there are several advantages: getting rid of their stress and keeping physical fitness. In Korea, most children whose parents are enthusiastically concerned about children's education should have a formal education at an early age, and even 2 year-old babies learn both mother tongue and the second language, so they are under a large amount of stress. Like some researches indicate, recently, children have become weak more and more, although childhood is the most important period for their growth. In this situation, it is only through everyday sports that children could alleviate daily stress and enhance their physical fitness and growth. This illustrates why practicing sports is needed for young children.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages: not having a good habit of studying and not keeping up with peers. For example, suppose that a 7 year-old boy who likes sports goes to the gym after school everyday. He could not have enough time to study naturally, and compared with other children who spend most of their time studying, he is less likely to have a good habit of studying such as patience or the power of concentration. Furthermore, he couldn't keep up with difficult lecture that fits his peers, so might have no hope to go school any more. In this way, practicing sports at an early age is sometimes harmful for their education.

All of these things into account, children who spend a lot of time playing sports are more likely to ease their stress and keep their health, but at the same time, they might lose a chance to study and even have a poor grade in school.

학생들 학교 수업방침

[102] 학생이 선생 평가= 찬반? * 찬성!!! – 선생을 자극 / 학생 의사 반영

People, especially educators, often discuss whether school should ask students to evaluate their teachers or not. I strongly believe that it will be helpful for education because it will stimulate teachers and reflect students' opinions.

Firstly, having students evaluate their teachers will stir teaching. Of course, from the viewpoint of traditional education in Korea that places great emphasis on manners to teachers, it is an incredibly impolite idea, but it is clear that it will benefit education: stimulating teachers. In my case, for example, when I was in a high school, there was a history teacher who always skipped detailed stories, and someday he even skipped whole section of Korean contemporary, so I still do not know about Korean contemporary history well, even though it is a important part of Korean history. If there were some regulations such as estimating my teacher, my classmates and I would have a chance to have education of good quality. This illustrates why stimulating teachers is needed for students who are studying important knowledge.

Secondly, by evaluating their teachers, students could express what they want. When it was colonized by Japan, Korea accepted the educational methods of Japan, and even after the independence, it keeps that method: cramming and on-sided education, so students couldn't directly express their opinions to school so far. Evaluating system will encourage students to suggest their view freely and motivate students. For instance, if a teacher who allows students to discuss together during his or her class is highly estimated by them, the school is likely to revise its curriculum in that way in order to make students enthusiastic. In this way, students could express their opinion through evaluating feedback.

All of these things into account, by having students estimate their teacher, not only teacher will endeavor for good teaching but also students will eager to study more than before.

학생들 학교 수업방침

[125] 중 고교 음악 미술 필수? * 필수!! – 창의력 / 피로 푼다

People, especially educators, often discuss whether all students should be required to study art and music in secondary school or not. I strongly believe that secondary school students should learn art and music because those subjects help student to develop their originality and alleviate their tension.

Firstly, by learning art and music in secondary school, teenagers could develop their creativity. In these days, creativity is a vital requirement of a citizen and teenagers are still very sensitive and creative. Were it not for such classes as art and music that stir their creativity, there is no chance to develop their special ability. For example, suppose that a student who wants to be a good writer attends art and music classes in secondary school. He is more likely to be an creative writer than he would be while only studying literature, because drawing landscape and playing a violin stimulate his sensitivity and encourage his creativity. This illustrates why art and music classes are needed for secondary school students.

Secondly, by learning art and music in secondary school, teenagers could ease their tension efficiently. In art and music classes, students could express their emotion freely so get rid of their stress. For instance, suppose that a secondary school student who obtains a lot of stress from lectures in school and competition among peers attends an art class. He wouldn't have to memorize complex formula and history any more in that class, and could release his built-up tension though depicting imaginary animals or drawing his precious memory. In this way, art and music classes enable students to release their daily stress.

All of these things into account, secondary school should have their student learn art and music because art and music encourage their creativity and stress-free life.

학생들 학교 수업방침

[137] 고등학생 수업선택 찬반 * 찬성 재능을 발견 / 학생 의욕적

People, especially educators, often discuss whether school should allow students to choose the course that they want or not. I strongly believe that school should permit student to study the courses that students want to study because they could find their own talent and are motivated.

Firstly, by choosing what they want to study, high school students could find their talent. Although adolescence is the most important period when students should choose their major in their university and each of student have different talents, there is no special curriculum that they could find their aptitude, so in Korea, most of students choose their major only owing to popularity or high salary, not their talent. In my case, fortunately, my high school had a special winter session that allowed students could select a class that they like, so I choose a ‘carving’ class with curiosity. Even though I had never experienced carving wood or marble, I quickly adapted to use various tools and realized I had a special talent in sculpture, so I am very satisfied and have studied sculpture not only in university but also in graduate school. This illustrates why having students choose their favorite course is needed for high schools.

Secondly, by having students choose what they want to study, high schools could motivate their students. In these days, most Korean students feel boring and have no hope to go to school any more owing to cramming and one-sided education in high schools. In this situation, it is only through choosing their favorite class that students could be interested in their study. For example, suppose that there are a group of students who are concerned in Korean contemporary history, and they could study the course about it. They might enthusiastically do their assignment, seriously discuss together, and search other information, and are more likely to go to school vividly more than they would be while studying the course assigned by a school. In this way, students could be motivated when they study what they are curious about and interested in.

All of these things into account, high schools that allow their students to study in the class where they want to study could not only let them find their talent but also motivate their student.

학생들 학교 수업방침

[157] 화상교육 /전통학교 어떤 것 선호? 전통학교 – social skill / 토론수업

People, especially educators, often discuss whether studying at home by using technology such as computers or television is more beneficial for students than doing at traditional schools or not. I strongly believe that student should study at traditional schools because of a social skill and discussions.

Firstly, by studying at traditional schools, students could learn a social skill. In these days, social skill is one of the most important requirements of a citizen, so students who are preparing to go into the world should learn it in adolescence, but computer program and television video cannot teach that kind of knowledge. It is only through the direct relationship between people that students could be socialized. While they eat together, play sports, and compete with each other, students could naturally learn how to control their emotion or how to collaborate with others. In this way, traditional schools teach their students social skills such as collaboration, compromise, and leadership.

Secondly, by studying at traditional schools, students could discuss together. Although expressing their own opinion and accepting others' view are essential parts in any field of modern society, home schooling using computers or televisions just give students cramming and one-sided education. For example, suppose that there is a student who studies all his courses through computer programs at home. Of course, he could concentrate his study efficiently, but all he knows is just what he has known so far, and he couldn't have a chance to exchange opinions with his peers who have other points of view that help him to expand his horizon. This illustrates why traditional schools are still needed.

All of these things into account, traditional schools play a key role in encouraging students to be sociable and to expand their viewpoint through discussions. It is still clear to me that traditional school will benefit students' future.


[023] 십대들 직업 갖는 거 찬성 * 찬성 책임감 / 독립심

People, especially educators, often discuss whether having jobs while they are still students is beneficial for teenagers or not. I strongly believe that having jobs in adolescence is a good idea because of a sense of responsibility and a spirit of independence.

Firstly, by having a job, students could be responsible. Although a sense of responsibility is an important requirement in all fields so students should learn it at an early age, there is no special course for responsibility in any school. Therefore, it is only through a part-time job that teenagers could learn that kind of knowledge. For example, suppose that a high school student who lacks responsibility has a part-time job in a restaurant in his town. While he makes a lot of mistakes such as breaking dishes or lose money, he would realize that he is responsible for what he does and learn how to deal with his fault. This illustrate why having a job is needed for teenagers.

Secondly, by having a job, students could have being independent. In these days, most Korean parents overprotect their children, even when they become young adults, so most teenagers couldn't prepare enough to go into the world. In this situation, teenagers could learn a spirit of independence in practical workplace rather than home or school. For instance, let's say that a student who is overprotected by his parents and teachers so far works for a small company after class. Earning decent money and having his own saving account by himself, he is more likely to be independent than he would be while just going school. In this way, teenagers could prepare independence in their future by having a job.

All of these things into account, teenagers could learn a sense of responsibility and a spirit of independence through their own job. It is still clear for me that having a job in adolescence benefits their future.

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