

Saturday, October 20, 2007

furthur continued 3


[095] 정부투자 우주 / 지구!! * 지구 환경문제 / 고통 받는 인간들

People, especially politicians, often discuss whether governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space or not. I strongly believe that government should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth rather than outer space because of serious environmental problem and suffering people on Earth.

Firstly, government should invest in the environment surrounding us. Of course, exploring outer space and reach to other planets could satisfy our curiosity, but what we should solve first is not curiosity but serious problem of our surroundings. After the Korea War in 1950, Korean government and enterprises have changed our environment with building skyscrapers and expanding roads, so forests and grassland have disappeared more and more. Moreover, as the industry has developed, diverse pollution such as air and water pollution have occurred, so a quick alternative is strongly needed in order to keep citizens' health. In this situation, the claim that government should spend much money researching the space is unreasonable.

Secondly, government should spend enough money helping people who are suffering from various disasters. Surely, some people say that we could colonize other planets and obtain some material from them, but it will come true several hundred years after. Because Korea is a small peninsula, there is not enough land to yield foods that support all members of the nation, so there are a lot of people suffering from the shortage of food. Furthermore, most territory of Korea consists of mountains that frequently occur natural disasters such as a forest fire or landslide with rainfall, so many people annually lose their houses and properties. In this way, it is only through donations and aid goods from government that suffering people could overcome unexpected hardships.

All of these things into account, for our clear environment and suffering people, government should spend enough money for our home planet, the Earth.


[181] 우리나라 땅 자연상태/주택,산업 * 주택,사업 주택부족 / 사업의 후진성

People, especially politicians, often discuss whether developing land for housing and industry is more needed than leaving land in its natural condition or not. I strongly believe that land should be developed for housing and industry because there are lacks of houses and backward of industry.

Firstly, land should be developed for homeless people. Some researches indicate that one tenth of population has no place to live in my country, Korea, and any special policy is not undertaken now. Moreover, one third of Koreans lives in big cities such as Seoul, but there are not enough houses and apartment buildings in most cities, so large numbers of people should live far away from their work place or school, and even set up their tents in nearby parks. In this situation, the claim that Korea should left land in its natural condition without any development is not reasonable.

Secondly, land should be developed for industrial development. Of course, Korean industry has changed and developed rapidly since the end of Korean war, and many people say that Korea is already one of the developed countries. However, there are only two major industries in Korea: the car export and the semiconductor business. Once the price of the semiconductor chip falls down, the Korean stock market is collapsed. For this reason, we need to find other major industries and develop them in order to keep the national economy stable by using land effectively.

All of these things into account, it is only through developing land that homeless people could have places to live and Korean poor industry could be stable.


[153] 동물원이 유용한 목적을 가지지 않는다? * 유용하다 아픈 동물 치료 / 멸종동물 보호

People, especially animal lovers, often discuss whether a zoo has no useful purpose or not. I strongly believe that a zoo, the public place, plays a key role in curing injured animals and protecting endangered animals from extinction.

Firstly, a zoo rescues and cures wounded animals. In these days, many hunters illegally capture wild animals just for interest or for sale and even set a trap in a forest, so a lot of wild animals that are shot or caught in a trap are dying for their injury. In this situation, it is only through a zoo that injured animals could be healed of their sickness and protected from hunters. Of course, from large hospitals to small pet clinics, there are many facilities curing animals, but they couldn't have a big surgery and enough place to keep them after a treatment. A zoo not only cures sick animals but also reserves them until they completely recover their health. This illustrates why a zoo is needed in these days.

Secondly, a zoo protects endangered animals from extinction. Ever-extending civilized cities of modern society have ruined the ecosystem, so a lot of wild animals have lost their home and become extinct. A zoo is the only place that preserves them from extinction with professional knowledge and deep concerns. For example, in China, giant pandas, only 500 of which remain on the earth, have endangered since the 20th, so zoos and experts in China have cooperated and made an incessant effort to rescue them from disappearance. Were it not for a zoo, we couldn't see these intimate animals any more. In this way, a zoo shields endangered animals not captures them.

All of these things into account, a zoo has many useful purposes in that it heals injured wild animals and protects endangered animals.


[163] 읽고 쓰는 능력이 과거보다 중요해졌나? * 중요하다!!! – 의사소통 / 정보 찾기

People, especially sociologists, often discuss whether the ability of read and write is more important today than in the past or not. I strongly believe that the ability of read and write became important more than before because of communicating each other and searching information.

Firstly, the ability of read and write is definitely needed in communication. In these days, most Koreans have their own personal computer and cellular phone, so they could always get in touch with their friend and family from a long distance. When people should communicate by talking or writing letters, modern citizens communicate each other by massages and e-mail which is more convenient and faster compared with the past times. If someone does not know how to open, read, write, and send massages or e-mail, he or she might be isolated from his or her peers more and more. In this way, reading and writing ability is an important requirement of a citizen.

Secondly, the ability of read and write is definitely needed in searching information. As everyone knows, modern society is the information-oriented era, so a large amount of information is born and dies everyday. Among a lot of sources of information, the internet may be the most significant source. To obtain necessary information that is needed in their field, people should surf various domains of the internet, read enormous knowledge in a short time, and summarize main point of the knowledge. This illustrates why those who live in modern society need the ability of read and write more than those who lived in the past.

All of these things into account, reading and writing are necessary, not optional, for modern citizen because they help them to communicate with others easily and to obtain key information fast.


[176] 기념일 이산가족의 날 * 이산가족의 날 통일의 필요성 느끼게 함 / 남북 어린이 올림픽

If someone asks me what events or people I want to honor, I definitely choose the first reunion of dispersed families that had people recall the sorrow of division in Korea, and it could be celebrated by holding the Olympics of north and south children.

First of all, the first reunion of dispersed families encouraged people to remind the fact that Korea was still divided. Korea is the only country that is still divided, but in these days, not only most adults who suffered the Korea War in the 1950th forget that fact owing to their busy daily life, but also young people who are born after the war do not realize the importance of unification, they even regard unification to be a hot potato. However, when the first reunion of dispersed families who have never met after the Korea War was held in 2000, from the old to the young, all citizens looked the event through the television broadcast and swept together, and reminded Korean historical tragedy, the division, and the necessity of Korean unification. This illustrates why the reunion of dispersed families should be held regularly.

Moreover, to celebrate the 'Reunion day', we could have the Olympic Game of north and south children. Of course, there have already been diverse athletic sports between south and north, but it is too partial to attract every citizen's attention. By holding the children Olympics every year, people both south and north will be interested in this unique event that contains distinct contests and competitions, and could enjoy watching young children's sports games. Moreover, while they watch innocent children of both south and north, they might realize that they shouldn't left their tragedy, the division, to their children. In this way, the interesting event in 'Reunion day' will encourage the reunification of North and South.

All of these things into account, by commemorating the first reunion of dispersed families, Koreans could remind the sorrow of division. Furthermore, a unique event, the children Olympics, will encourage the reunion of divided Korea.


[096] 스트레스 푸는 방법 * 요가/ 수다

People, regardless of their age or sex, often discuss what the most effective way of getting rid of their daily stress is. I strongly believe that doing yoga and chatting with close friends are the best way of alleviating stress of modern life.

Firstly, by doing yoga, people could alleviate their mental tension. In modern times, most stress that citizens obtain comes from mental activities, not physical one. Yoga is an Indian exercise to enhance people's soul strength and reach to nirvana, so helps people to ease not only their physical tension but also their mental disease. In my case, I learn yoga an hour a day in the yogi institute in front of my house. With diverse postures such as posture of butterfly, frog, or spider, which are too difficult to endure, I could forget my concerns and worries obtained from my school and workplace, and even control my emotion. This illustrates how yoga helps people to alleviate their daily tension.

Secondly, by having a chat with friends, people could calm down their anger. As everyone knows, because there are many complex personal relationships in modern times, it is very difficult to reveal their emotion truly. By just expressing their emotion to their close friends, people could be comfortable and ease their stress. For instance, suppose that I fight against with my co-worker and couldn't reveal my anger to any other people in my workplace, so am under enormous stress. In this situation, it is only through chatting with my best friend who understands my mind that I could get rid of my stress completely, although there is no conclusion. In this way, people could ease their stress through a chat with their friends.

All of these things into account, doing yoga and having a chat with friends are the most effective way for those who live in modern society to ease their tension.

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